VME Coop

Fuel wet stock managment

Fuel Reporting

monitor wet stocks and integrate with 3rd party fuel suppliers for reporting and replenishment

monitor wet stocks and integrate with 3rd party fuel suppliers for reporting and
replenishment info here

Report/alert any breakdown of any fuel systems

Report/alert any breakdown of any fuel systems

Track all compliance detail

Track all compliance detail

Monitor wet stock systems remotely (24 hour remote pump activation)

Monitor wet stock systems remotely (24 hour remote pump activation)

Integrate with third party provider systems (e.g. Shell, BP)

Integrate with third party provider systems (e.g. Shell, BP)

Monitor bunker fuel systems (for various fuel companies))

Monitor bunker fuel systems (for various fuel companies)

Monitor all fuel types (including red and green diesel)

Monitor all fuel types (including red and green diesel)

Integration with 3rd party fuel monitoring solutions e.g. Fairbanks

integration with 3rd party fuel monitoring solutions e.g. Fairbanks

visibility of calculated temperature compensation within the dispenser and the tank

visibility of calculated temperature compensation within the dispenser and the tank

Automatic wet stock order for suppliers (retailer uses various suppliers)

Automatic wet stock order for suppliers (retailer uses various suppliers)

automatic tank calibration

automatic tank calibration

exact evaluation of quantities (reconciliation)

exact evaluation of quantities (reconciliation)

Automatic delivery recognition

automatic delivery recognition

Precise tank level management

Precise tank level management

Precise tank level management

Precise tank level management

Fuel supply chain management (ordering)

Fuel supply chain management (ordering)

Forecast wet stock orders using customer consumption data

Forecast wet stock orders using customer consumption data